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Unity pledges, racists hijacking mainstream symbolism, and more you might have missed this week

Unity pledges, racists hijacking mainstream symbolism, and more you might have missed this week

Read all about it!

Howdy, Daily Kos readers! Phew. What a week.

Welcome to the Sunday round-up of the stories Daily Kos staff wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss. As always, be sure to let us know what stories (not just in Kosland) you’ve been reading that we might have looked over.

But while I’ve got ya hear — have you checked these out?

Moscow Mitch blows off latest Russian hacking news, says we’ve done enough to protect 2020 election

By. Joan McCarter

State and local governments that have to try to conduct safe elections in less than 11 months might not be so sanguine after reading today’s news.

This has to end.

Ah, yes. Because if there’s someone I trust to protect me in the 2020 election, it’s Moscow Mitch. 

Not OK: Racists cynically market hate by hijacking mainstream symbolism

By. David Neiwert

The key to the game, no matter who’s playing, is plausible deniability for everybody involved. The alt-right has mastered its use as a way to market and spread the movement’s hate.

They’ve literally stolen the ‘okay’ sign. This is the reason we can’t have nice things. 

Black Democrats have never ascended from the House to the Senate. These are the seven who’ve tried

By. Matt Booker

Serving in the U.S House is somewhat like being an offensive coordinator in the NFL: It’s not the only route to a promotion, but it’s certainly the road most traveled. But similar to black football coaches, black politicians have had considerable difficulty accessing the pathways to higher positions, especially when compared to their white counterparts.

This deep-dive from Matt Booker is my favorite thing I’ve read all week and it shows just how different the black Democrat experience in politics is. 

Progressive groups that support Warren and Sanders sign unity pledge

By. Walter Einenkel

…one thing is clear. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are easily the most progressive candidates still running for the Democratic Party’s nomination. If you prefer Biden or Buttigieg or Steyer, that’s fine. But they are not as left or progressive or radical as those two New England senators.

We have to keep our eyes on the prize and learn the lessons from 2016. 

Racist dog whistle sounded to justify having homeless moms stormed, evicted from vacant Oakland home

By. Lauren Floyd

“The housing wage in Oakland is $40.88 per hour. That means there is no housing available to working people in this city,” Fife said in the video. “So to offer them this gesture is the work of a public relations firm. It is not intended to truly house the families.”

We need to do better than this.

Annnnd that’s it for my roundup. Now it’s your turn! What are the stories of the week that we should be reading? Sound off in the comments below! 

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